Satellite Airtime Billing
The number of different satellite providers are large and the number of provided services is even larger.
Inmarsat is one of the very large satellite providers that have services across many generations of satellite. Their services are 3, 4, 5 generation service that typically provide group of services across Aero, Maritime and Land.
Each of these market sectors cover a large range of sub services across mining, fishing, media, offshore, energy to be listing a few.
For each of these area's are their special developed terminals and antenna's that provide services across voice, data and messaging.
These service groups does again provide different sub types of services for crew call, M2M, geo specific data and similar.
All provided services will be generating different traffic output that are highly mapped to the provided service - the format of these call record (CDR's) will typically be different as well as the general format dependant on the platform that is the source of the traffic.
Meaning that CDR's coming from Inmarsat Mini-C is formated different from CDR's coming from example Inmarsat FBB, on Inmarsat FBB will their gain be different formated CDR's for data, for voice and for messages.
Traffic CDR's
Inmarsat traffic CDR's are delivered across SFTP interfaces in near real time. For Voice CDR's are they typically delivered after the call as a full CDR, if the
can be directly or it can be delivered from the former Stratos now also named Inmarsat. Traffic CDR's delivered from the former Stratos can be traffic CDR's covering not just Inmarsat services but also Iridium, Thuraya, VSAT and similar - these traffic CDR files are not delivered in real time - where traffic CDR's directly from Inmarsat typically will be delivered in near real-time.
Inmarsat offer a very broad set of satellite services that are delivered from many different platforms - these platforms are all having different traffic CDR format - meaning collecting Inmarsat CDR files, mediating these and performing rating on these all need different mediation modules.
Each service are having a set of charging groups - like subscription fees, activation, disconnect, temporary suspend, upgrade, downgrade and traffic - Inmarsat 'only'generate traffic related CDR files - meaning other types of fees need to be generated locally in the billing system.
- Inmarsat Voice CDR sample
- Inmarsat Data CDR sample
- Inmarsat SMS CDR sample
Subscription Fees
Traffic CDR data delivered directly from the major satellite operators herunder Inmarsat doesn't contain subscription fees. These need to be generated internally linked to the type of subscrption fee that is associated with the service. If receiving CDR files from resellers like Stratos, AST, Singtel or similar will the subscription fee normally be added to the collected CDR output - our system will normally discard these subscription fees and be generating all internally with the many different possibilities to be added.
Subscription fees can be daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly or biyearly - combined with a lot of different options like floating period, or prorated period, forward subscription, backward subscription. A long list of possible rules can be combined with the subscription period for early termination, minimum subscription period and similar.
Event Charging Fees
Basically any action in the system can generate events that can be informative or can be charged - sample of events can be package upgrade, package downgrade, sim swap, changing usage monitoring, reminders, notifications, their is hundreds of different events generated linked to terminalk actions, user actions and similar.
Charging Rules
All collected traffic data are getting mediated into a single uniform event based charging format - for each single event can their be applied rules that tell the rating process how to be processing a given event.
Example of these traffic event rules can be that their is a minimum usage of 10 seconds or 20Kb, another rule can be minimum increment size, another rule can be geo dependant rating, or time dependant rating, zone billing, or it can be rules linked to how 1MB is calculated like in Iridium will it be (bytes x 1000 x 1000) to get one MB, in Thuraya bytes x 1000 x 1024, in Inmarsat bytes x 1024 x 1024 - this is illustrating some of the many rules that can be applied dependant in how rating need to be processed.
Inexpensive Inmarsat Billing
Many small satellite resellers start doing billing through Excel sheets but when the business grow will this process start getting time consuming and human errors are getting into the normal manual processes.
Our satellite billing environment allow a small reseller to get started almost for free, and following apply increased fees when the business start to generate good output.
Get started with a highly professional satellite billing environment that offer the most advanced capabilities in the current market - a billing system that have references across the biggest satellite companies linked to the high performance, extrem level of security provided, that are fully integrated across all major satellite providers for provisioning, billing, monitoring and as well offer direct access to advanced data pop capabilities like end customer firewall management or data throttling with high data usage.
A satellite billing environment that handle basically any traffic CDR format - even internal build services are easy to integrate.
CDR Collection & Mediation
Our Satellite Business Environment is build on the latest software technologies and have been implemented to offer Scalability, Redundancy as well as a Military grade Security across all implemented elements -
the offered environment provide basically all needed in a succesful satellite operator setup ascoss provisioning, convergent billing, real-time traffic monitoring, data POP environment in New York, Amsterdam or Hong Kong as well as basically any satellite services like tracking, remote terminal management, integrated M2M management, WAN acceleration ...
- Inmarsat CDR Mediation Explained
- Inmarsat CDR sample explained
Rating & Price Plans
Our Satellite Business Environment is build on the latest software technologies and have been implemented to offer Scalability, Redundancy as well as a Military grade Security across all implemented elements -
the offered environment provide basically all needed in a succesful satellite operator setup ascoss provisioning, convergent billing, real-time traffic monitoring, data POP environment in New York, Amsterdam or Hong Kong as well as basically any satellite services like tracking, remote terminal management, integrated M2M management, WAN acceleration ...
Redundant frontend nodes provide advanced - and easy to use interfaces for operator as well as self care for end customers - redundant backend nodes handle all the key functionality and is directly integrated with all the major satellite providers on the market like Inmarsat, Iridium, Intelsat, Eutelsat, Thuraya ... - Database environment is implemented in a Galara Cluser with three nodes that all are fully encrypted in-rest as well as in-transit to protect from Ransomware issues - All implemented in highly secure setup with ISO27001, SOC1, SOC2, SOC3 and PCI certifications.
ERP Financial Integration
Quickly connect your existing ERP to our billing solutions. Palette allows for ERP integration with over 50 of the world’s leading ERPs.
What does it mean?
ERP integration refers to the process of connecting and synchronizing your ERP system with other business applications such as satellite traffic, subscription fees, B2B portal and Revenue Assurance. In essence, connecting all key points a business leverages to input, manage, track and output data that’s meaningful and important for the business. These systems can be seen as an extension of the ERPs core functionality.
Our billing setup handle invoices, invoice splitting, order number tracking, expire dates, contracts linked to customers and payments - your ERP system manage customer /invoice payments and keep a record of the financial interaction with the customer - where needed will our billing system alighn payment status so the end user can track own payments - and in case of missing payments do we have the capability to handle reminders as well as credit notes.