Satellite Monitoring & Notifications

Real time Traffic Monitoring

Satellite airtime can be very expensive - linked to this is it highly important as an operator or reseller to have real time traffic monitiring across spending as well as usage..

Our platform will in real time be collecting remote traffic CDR data or be collecting Inmarsat POP radius accounting data to be used for instant monitoring across SCAP groups, pools, companies, vessels as well as for the different terminals.

When a monitoring level is reached then will it generate a notification based on a notification template - this can be plain text email, SMS message, HTML email with Base64 encoding for direct image adding or it can be notification that is send as an XML formated file across to a sub system.

Trigger level that hit max values can get enabled to perform provisioning actions - like automatically be suspending a given sim card for a certain period.

Usage Monitoring - Data, Voice, Streaming..

On package / terminal level are their a highly sofisticated traffic monitoring capability implemented, that allow the usage monitoring across predefined service groups.

Data monitoring
Data monitoring can generate any number of alerts, send notifications, perform automated suspend actions, perform data throttling - their is standard high, max level fields as well as step alerts allowing the end user to keep a close eye on the current level.
Voice monitoring Voice monitoring will like data monitoring be supporting a swift range of monitoring options that allow multiple trigger levels to perform auto suspend, auto resume, generate email notifications.

Streaming monitoring Streaming satellite services can be extrem expensive linked to the high bandwidth - streaming is typically charged using time meaning here is it important to keep track of the used streaming time - streaming services no matter what speed is grouped together so we don't differentiate the actual speed as their is so many speeds available.

Messaging monitoring Monitoring of messaging services are fully available but not typically used a lot as iot is relative limited compared to the other services.

Monitoring periods Monito traffic across daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, biyearly and swap between these periods whenever wanted as the platform always maintain the counters across the many monitoring periods.

monitor satellite usage

Notification Templates

Trigger levels can be generating notifications - all notifications will be using notification templates that can be used for emails, file transfer, SMS messages and similar.

Multi Language format
Templates all have a language marker that allow notifications to be generated in all languages loaded - that allow users to receive their notifications in spanish, japanese, German, French and similar.

Custimise Dynamically Notifications
Each template can be a comprehensive list of tags added - so example the users first and last name get added in the top, his current prepaid balance get added or any other main parameter from the billing platform. For more advanced notifications are Apache Velocity scription also fully integrated allowing the template to make dynamic notifications based on small simple scripts added to templates.

Spending Monitoring

Spending monitoring de like usage monitoring support a swift range of monitoring options that allow operator as well as end customers on any level to get informed as soon as a certains spending have been reached - this spend monitoring are only focusing at the actual charged traffic - but do start showing spending that is included in spending allowance to allow the user to get notified as soon as their money allowance have been used.

satellite spending control

inmarsat spending control

Operator & Customer Monitoring

The platform are delivered with seperate monitoring capability - allowing the operator to automatically or manually be setting certain levels to be monitored for abnormal traffic patterns - this allow the operator to set a given max usage to prevent issues linked to extrem high charges and following problems in getting the customers to be paying their invoices.

End customers can set their own spending and usage control that will allow them to get informed whenever a certain level have been reached.

SCAP, Group and Pool Monitoring

Inmarsat have a lot of different group package functionalities, Group of two simcards, that can be member of a SCAP group that need advanced monitoring as the group don't join the SCAP discount until more than 5 vessels are in the SCAP, large customers can have special traffic pools added that can be used across products.

inmarsat group monitoring
The platform allow complete monitoring and reporting overview across all groups, SCAP and pools - allowing the end user to directly see the group usage as well as usage linked to each group memeber.

Directly see when it is optimal to build/buy a larger group based on the given traffic pattern - this is normally a difficult manual task to get an idea about when it is financially better to upgrade or downgrade.

inmarsat scap members